Cucumber is my favorite juice base by far (I’m also a die-hard cucumber salad fan). It’s a high yield fruit and it’s mild in taste so it’s great all around as a starter for green juices. Cucumber juice is a powerful diuretic so it’s really perfect on a cleanse. It’s also one of my favorite 360 beauty products. Great for hair, skin and nails especially in combination with carrots. I love to add spinach for some extra green power. According to Norman Walker’s book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices (my juicing bible), spinach juice is amazing at cleansing, reconstructing and regenerating the intestinal tract. And I’ve learnt over the years that this is essentially the foundation for optimum health so I’ve become a devoted raw spinach juice guzzler.
4 large cucumbers (beware that most organic cucumbers are waxed)
4 medium size carrots (with the greens for an extra dose of chlorophyll)
1/2 bunch of Spinach
4 large tomatoes
1/2 bunch of dill
1 jalapeño pepper
1 lemon
5 thoughts on “Cucumber/Spinach Green Juice”
I did make it! Wow is delicious I feel good Thank you so much.
I stumbled upon your blog looking for a green juice recipe and I love this!!! Can’t wait to get in the kitchen and make it
So healthy! Exactly what I need to slim down
Oh! That juice looks yummy. I’m gonna try it.
I’m no huge cucumber fan but I’ll give it a try if having a body like yours is the result!!