I’m thrilled and honored to be featuring an incredible lineup of juicing veterans and natural health heroes to answer the most frequently asked question since I started sharing my 92-day juice fast journey on theglobalgirl.com, twitter and Instagram.
If you had to pick one significant benefit of undergoing an extended juice fast, what would it be?

[quote style=”1″] I came out of my first extended juice fast a totally new person. [/quote] Ndoema
Longest Juice Fast: 92 days
Visit: My Juicing Secrets, Tips & Tricks
The massive release of toxic waste and accelerated cellular renewal are the most dramatic long-term health benefits I have received from undergoing a prolonged juice fast. The level of inner cleansing that takes place is unsurpassed. After completing my first 92-day juice fast nine months ago, I entered a state of detox overdrive. Fasting for such a long period of time had built a certain momentum and my body was now able to continue the intense detox process even though I had returned to eating solid foods. That was one of my biggest surprises and one of the most obvious signs that extended juice fasting allows for a much deeper level of cleansing. One of the most fascinating by-products of the detox process was the profound emotional transformation that took place. I came out of my first extended juice fast a totally new person. As I’m about to finish my second 92-day juice, I’m truly excited to see who I will get to meet this time around!
Here’s what my personal juicing heroes, Jay Kordich, Penni Shelton, Elaina Love, Carla Douglin and Phillip McCluskey, have to say:
[divider top=”1″][quote style=”1″] I can’t think of a better way to take charge of one’s health, one sip at a time! [/quote] Penni Shelton
Longest Juice Fast: 92 days
Visit: www.rawfoodrehab.com
It would be nearly impossible for me to choose just one long-term health benefit from extended juice feasting. I will say that from an overall perspective, my extended juice fast balanced all of the systems of my body, mind and spirit. Juicing exclusively frees up a tremendous amount of body energy for healing, rejuvenating, restoring and equalizing the organs, cells, tissues, etc. Living on the freshly extracted living liquids of organic fruits and vegetables is balancing to the body’s pH, which allows the body to release mucous, inflammation, stored fats/toxins and dis-ease. I can’t think of a better way to take charge of one’s health, one sip at at time!
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[quote style=”1″] What a beautiful experience to really know what you are made of! [/quote] Philip McCluskey
Longest Juice Fast: 100 days
Visit: www.GetJuicyCleanse.com
I found that the greatest benefit I received from juice fasting for 100 days was breaking through limited beliefs. I never thought it was even possible to fast that long, and here I was overcoming all limitations, facing my fears, and going for it! What a beautiful experience to really know what you are made of!
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[quote style=”1″] Our palates become refined, almost re-wired and rejuvenated. [/quote] Jay Kordich
Longest Juice Fast: 2 years
Visit: www.JayKordich.com
The best advantage to fasting is learning to discipline our eating habits. When we stop all of our poor eating choices, or even if they are mediocre choices, our palates become refined and almost re-wired and rejuvenated so we automatically begin to salivate for the right kinds of foods such as the rainbow diet….greens, oranges, reds, purples, etc… These are just some of the gifts we receive from consuming juices from Mother Nature’s Rainbow (through fasting).
There are also spiritual gifts received as well through fasting such as refining our hearing so that the sweet appreciation of singing birds, beautiful clouds and the gentle breeze of the wind seem to come to our mind when we hadn’t noticed them before. As well as our ability to smell better and to breathe deeper are great benefits.
The other more obvious benefits to fasting is losing weight and clearing of our skin. It’s difficult to give one answer. It’s like when you fall in love, it’s not just one thing you like about that person.
The one last benefit to fasting is that it helps us slow down in our fast paced life so we can begin to understand our true Nature.
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[quote style=”1″] It is so much harder to go back to a life of processed/toxic foods. [/quote] Carla Douglin
Longest Juice Fast: 60 days
Visit: www.RawRawLife.com
To me, the most significant long-term health benefit of an extended fast is the ability for the body to reset itself. By taking the time to rest the digestive system, your body has a chance to undergo some deep healing from the inside out. Once you have done this, it is so much harder to go back to a life of processed/toxic foods, as you understand the true power of fruits and vegetables for ultimate health.
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[quote style=”1″] I couldn’t believe how much food had kept me from really experiencing my connection to the divine![/quote] Elaina Love
Longest Juice Fast: 84 days
Visit: www.PureJoyPlanet.com
I was introduced to fasting in 1997 when I did my first cleanse and wow, what a wonderful experience! Once I got past the initial discomfort of the hunger on day 1 and 2, I found myself loving the feeling that fasting gave me. It gave me such a sense of freedom! I couldn’t believe how much food had kept me from really experiencing my connection to the divine, my own internal intuition and inner voice and from feeling what it really feels like to soar! While fasting, I got to experience more of all of those things. Since then I have fasted on a regular basis for the last 15 years! I usually fast on green juices (about 4 quarts/litres a day) The juices consists of celery, cucumber, kale and lemon. I have fasted for a ranges of 18 hours to 11 days to 84 days and everything in between. You cannot get it wrong. Even if you just fast through breakfast and lunch, you have fasted. You will find that the more you fast the more benefits you gain such as peace of mind, mental clarity, positive body image, spiritual connection, confidence, intuition, surges of pure joy and healing of illness. The best thing you can do when you are feeling low or are ill is to stop eating. Fasting is the best and quickest way to heal your body! Stop putting in things for it to digest so it can work on internal cleaning!
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- You can have all the juice you want, there is no limit to how much you can drink. Most people can’t do more than 1 1/2 gallons (or 6 litres) but if you feel you need more than that, go for it!
- Make your juice all at one time. When you are feeling your best (for most that is early morning) make the whole amount for the day in order to avoid being without juice when you really need it.
- When you refrain from food, answers seem to come quicker and feel more true. Use this time to journal and get clear on your life purpose or other questions you have.
- Plan the end of your fast. When you finish your fast, you may feel like you just want to keep eating. Be sure to be smart about it by creating a meal plan before you end. Here is what it could look like: Day 1 after the fast: breakfast: blended smoothie (divide it into 4 servings and drink one serving every hour). Lunch: Blended Green Soup (avocado, cilantro, apple, lemon and spice-no salt yet) again, divide that up into 4 servings. Dinner: light green salad with a yummy nut-free dressing. Avoid nuts and animal products and processed foods for at least 3 days after your fast. After that choose wisely. Schedule your next fast so you can look forward to another amazing experience of freedom and joy!
Have fun and remember each experience is what you make it!
[divider top=”1″]Besides being wonderful sources of inspiration, Jay Kordich, Penni Shelton, Elaina Love, Carla Douglin and Phillip McCluskey offer a wealth of resources and information to help guide you through your own juicing journey to start receiving the many wondrous gifts it has to offer. Explore their sites, learn from them and transform your life!
Be sure to read: ★ MY JUICING SECRETS, TIPS & TRICKS! ★
Happy Juicing!
8 thoughts on “My Top 5 Experts on the Benefits of Juice Fasting”
wow amazing
I am so inspired. This site is just so lovely and you are not only beautiful but really have something positive to contribute. The world needs more people like you Ndoema and all the others that shared in this article. P.S. I just subscribed to your newsletter and liked you on facebook and I’m telling my girlfriends to check you out too. The global girl rocks!
OMG! This is the push I needed. You’re an inspiration. Thank u SO MUCH!!!
Ndoema! Thank you so much for including me in your blog post. I feel honored to be included among such beautiful people, including you! I will be sure to send this forward to all of my groups and links. Many blessings. May you and your business Thrive! Juice ON!
excuse my bad english. i come each day to see your wearing such beautiful clothes. but now i think maybe to doing a juice fast. if i can fit into these dresses and look like you, i will go for it! thanks global girl from brazil.
Love the post. Love your tips. Love your HAIR!!!! What kind of juicer do you use?
People like Jay Kordich and Elaina Love really are my heroes. And now so are you, Ndoema! Beautiful blog. Beautiful woman. Beautiful message you are sharing, all over the world. Wow. Looking forward to more of your recipes and tips (and photos:). Consider me a new fan.
Wow! What an incredibly inspiring post! Thanks so much Ndoema 🙂